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Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) and EU Data Protection and Guidelines

In line with Protection of Personal Information (POPI) legislation, Amrop Woodburn Mann is required to process your personal information in a lawful, legitimate and responsible manner. Consequently, Amrop Woodburn Mann requires your express and informed permission to process your personal information and disclose it to their clients and partners both in the Republic of South Africa and other countries.

Digital Personality

As an Amrop Woodburn Mann Candidate, you have been asked to participate in a Digital Personality conducted by Woodburn Mann (Pty) Limited, which will be in addition to the discussion with the Amrop Woodburn Mann Consultant. The purpose of this is to give you the opportunity to add a three minute video component to your candidate portfolio of information which will be presented to our client, and to present yourself for this and other opportunities. You hereby pass any claims of copyright to Woodburn Mann (Pty) Limited.

In this modern day, key leaders all have to use Media to communicate to their staff and customers, and through this project your skills in this area will be displayed.



Contact Details

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