Democracy Adrift - Could a crisis in leadership ambition leave the West rudderless?
In the West, educated people no longer want careers in politics. This is the startling new finding following a major new global survey conducted by Amrop, who spoke to 8000 college educated people in 8 countries about their work motivation. Politics is the least desirable potential career on offer, they said. Only 19% of them express a motivation to make a positive impact, with 51% prioritizing financial stability.
So what happened to the glamorous, international world of the high profile statesman? Do these alarming figures reflect a lack of interest in improving the world, or a drop in the belief that politics is the best way to achieve it? We looked at the UK example.

Amrop's latest global study, The Meaning of Work, explored the role that work really plays within people's personal identity today. What does it mean for a country if the importance of work is disproportionately low compared to other countries?
We looked at global attitudes toward work and its role in shaping personal identity, motivation, and career aspirations. By delving into key cultural, economic, and demographic factors, the findings reveal stark contrasts between the Global South and Western nations. These insights offer a nuanced understanding of the shifting dynamics of work and its relevance in the modern world.
When asked to rank a range of profession and career paths, respondents ranked “Politician” as the least desirable profession across all countries and ages, with 40% of respondents globally selecting it as unattractive.
Caroline Lucas MP is leader of the UK parliament’s Green Party and has been in politics for 25 years (she was formerly an MEP in Brussels). She agrees there’s an emerging leadership problem in Britain and Europe, not least due to our modern media landscape and the increased scrutiny that brings:
“There’s lots out there about the role of social media and how people in politics are feeling attacked more than ever before, and for some good reasons politics in this country is viewed with a degree of contempt. Having had Prime Ministers like Boris Johnson and Liz Truss, people are looking at that and thinking “what is that doing to improve my life?” These are Prime Ministers who crashed the economy or stood in parliament and lied for months on end with impunity, so I understand why MPs feel more open to attack than ever before on social media when the public face of politics has come to this. At the same time, political leaders have all to some extent brought this on themselves by doing such an abysmal job of providing any real vision and commitment to the public good.”
Is it possible that the problem lies with party politics and that single issue agendas, albeit broad ones like that of the Greens, are still managing to recruit and sustain careers? (More MPs are standing down from their jobs at the next UK election that at any time in the past).
"I don’t see a drop in motivation to enter politics because I spend most of my time with Green politicians who are desperate to get into parliament and bring about the policy changes that we need on climate, nature and social justice. So those people are desperate to do that notwithstanding the fact that it’s an unpleasant workplace."
Perennial US presidential candidate Ralph Nader famously said, “The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.” Caroline Lucas believes that currently we simply lack an entire generation of inspirational leaders:
“I think it’s self-evident that the quality of the politicians who get into leadership positions now is not as good as they were even 10 years ago. Where are the Robin Cooks and Dennis Healeys, people with the leadership and courage, and ability to communicate, and not just being lobby fodder? You do get the impression at the moment that government ministers will literally say anything they’re required to say because they’ve suspended their brains in the wider interests of party unity. And if you look back into the past the people who have gained respect are the ones who have had the courage of their convictions, Clare Short for example. You don’t have to agree with their politics to see these were people who went into politics to make the world a better place. And I’m not sure how many people you could say that about now.”
Political inspiration may have taken a nosedive but it hasn’t entirely died among today’s now notoriously slacker Gen Z members. Keir Mather MP (Labour) currently holds the playful title of “Baby of the House” by virtue of being the youngest MP in parliament at the age of 26. Does he think there’s a crisis of motivation in politics among young people?
"At a time of widespread cynicism about politics, I've tried to be a representative for the power of young people to make a difference. Serving as an elected representative isn't always easy, but your ability to make a practical difference to people's lives is the strongest motivation there is. For that reason, I'd wholeheartedly encourage anyone to take the courageous step of putting themselves forward for public office."
Which sounds like he may think there is a crisis and he’s doing his best to change it.
Amrop Chair and instigator of the report on leadership Annika Farin believes the new data throws up crucial new questions about the relative professional cultures of East and West:
“If most professionals lack ambition for leadership, who will shape the future of economies and societies? Our economy relies on people, their expertise, and motivation. The global survey suggests a brighter future for Global South countries like Brazil and China, while a wake-up call is warranted in Germany and France. The disinterest in political roles is alarming across nationalities and age groups. Are we approaching a future where we question not only corporate leadership but also national leadership?”
The Meaning of Work: An Amrop Global Study
Read the full report
Amrop conducted an online survey and gathered insights from 8,000 participants, with 1,000 respondents from each of the following countries: Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Poland, the US, and the UK. The survey aimed for representativeness across these diverse nations, capturing perspectives from individuals aged 20 to 60 (Gen Z: 20-26, Young Millennials: 27-34, Old Millennials: 35-42, Gen X: 43-60), all possessing at least a bachelor's degree. Where applicable, reported results represent the top two answer sets (strongly agree/agree).