About Board Services

As businesses reconfigure for growth, globalization, and ownership structure change, many face serious governance challenges for the first time. Their task is complicated by regulatory developments whose pace and form differ by geography, ownership type, listed status, and, in some countries, sector. Further dilemmas surround the transfer of leadership from family or founding members to external professionals or structural tensions pitching centralization versus decentralization.

Despite unevenness, the underlying trend in global governance legislation is ticking up towards new and better standards and practices, as national regulatory bodies look to the global picture for learning and synchronicity.

Being motive forces of policy decisions, advisory and executive boards aim to ensure the enduring vitality of the companies they drive. Yet their fitness is just as critical.

1Our Expertise

Amrop assures the design and implementation of diverse, forward-looking, and connected boards. We act as Trusted Advisor to the Executive, Supervisory, and Advisory Boards of dynamic organizations worldwide, across a spectrum of industries.

For businesses on a steep growth and globalization curve, Amrop helps ensure that their board composition strikes the crucial balance between representativeness and leanness. Not only does this account for current governance frameworks, but it also looks forward to global governance trends. In addition to optimizing existing installations, Amrop helps companies set up boards that fit their core business and comply with governance standards.

Personal Governance 1
2Our Process

  • Uncovers gaps in the skills, experience, demographic and cognitive diversity of the current Board
  • Identifies management strengths to build upon
  • Examines requirements for new demographic profiles, specialist and technical skillsets
  • Integrates fast-evolving governance requirements and organizational strategy
  • Identifies, assesses, and presents "Leaders For What’s Next" – board members who can flex to evolving strategic and operating environments across borders. Key questions: Can s/he anticipate the scale and complexity of strategic and operational risks? Act as a respected catalyst, contributing in a fresh and relevant way to Board discussions? Constructively challenge traditions, assumptions or bias?
  • Guides the design and implementation of the onboarding process
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